.. _install:installation: Installation ============ .. warning:: This is the documentation for an old version of *tbot*. Please head over to https://tbot.tools/installation.html for the latest docs! Clone `tbot's repository `_, then install tbot using :: python3 setup.py install --user Also, if you haven't done this already, you need to add ``~/.local/bin`` to your ``$PATH``. .. note:: *tbot* requires at least **Python 3.6**. Any version older than that **will not work**. You can install tbot's man-page using :: sudo python3 setup.py install_data Completions ----------- tbot supports command line completions. Enable them by adding :: source /path/to/tbot/completions.sh to your ``.bashrc`` or equivalent. Troubleshooting --------------- If the above did not work out of the box, take a look at the following list: Paramiko ^^^^^^^^ If the installation does not work, most likely it is an error when installing paramiko. I recommend installing paramiko through your distros package manager (eg. ``python3-paramiko`` for Fedora). If your distros version of paramiko is too old, you will then need to install paramiko with pip (after installing the distro package):: pip3 install --user paramiko