Source code for tbot.machine.linux.machine

# tbot, Embedded Automation Tool
# Copyright (C) 2018  Harald Seiler
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import abc
import typing
import shlex
import shutil
import tbot
from tbot import machine
from tbot.machine import linux, channel
from . import special
from . import shell as sh

Self = typing.TypeVar("Self", bound="LinuxMachine")

[docs]class LinuxMachine(machine.Machine, machine.InteractiveMachine): """Generic machine that is running Linux.""" @property def shell(self) -> typing.Type[sh.Shell]: """Shell that is in use on the board.""" return sh.Bash @property @abc.abstractmethod def username(self) -> str: """Return the username for logging in on this machine.""" pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def workdir(self: Self) -> "linux.Path[Self]": """Return a path where testcases can store data on this host.""" pass @property def fsroot(self: Self) -> "linux.Path[Self]": """ Return a path to the filesystem root. This is a helper to allow the following:: vers = lh.fsroot / "proc" / "version" .. versionadded:: 0.6.6 """ return linux.Path(self, "/") @property def home(self: Self) -> "linux.Path[Self]": """ Return a path to the current user's home directory. Example:: bashrc = h.exec0("cat", h.home / ".bashrc").strip() """ return linux.Path(self, self.env("HOME")) @abc.abstractmethod def _obtain_channel(self) -> channel.Channel: pass
[docs] def build_command( self: Self, *args: typing.Union[str, special.Special[Self], linux.Path[Self]], stdout: typing.Optional[linux.Path[Self]] = None, ) -> str: """ Build the string representation of a command. :param args: Each arg is a token that will be sent to the shell. Can be either a str, a :class:`~linux.special.Special` or a Path that is associated with this host. Arguments will be escaped (a str like "a b" will not result in separate arguments to the command) :param Path stdout: File where stdout should be directed to :returns: A string that would be sent to the machine to execute the command :rtype: str """ command = "" for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, linux.Path): if is not self: raise machine.WrongHostException(self, arg) command += shlex.quote(arg._local_str()) + " " elif isinstance(arg, special.Special): command += arg.resolve_string(self) + " " elif isinstance(arg, str): command += shlex.quote(arg) + " " else: raise TypeError(f"{arg!r} is not a supported argument type!") if isinstance(stdout, linux.Path): if is not self: raise Exception( f"{self!r}: Provided {stdout!r} is not associated with this host" ) stdout_file = stdout._local_str() command += f">{shlex.quote(stdout_file)} " return command[:-1]
[docs] def exec( self: Self, *args: typing.Union[str, special.Special[Self], linux.Path[Self]], stdout: typing.Optional[linux.Path[Self]] = None, timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None, ) -> typing.Tuple[int, str]: """ Run a command on this machine. :param args: Each arg is a token that will be sent to the shell. Can be either a str, a :class:`~linux.special.Special` or a Path that is associated with this host. Arguments will be escaped (a str like "a b" will not result in separate arguments to the command) :param Path stdout: File where stdout should be directed to :returns: Tuple with the exit code and a string containing the combined stdout and stderr of the command (with a trailing newline). :rtype: (int, str) """ channel = self._obtain_channel() command = self.build_command(*args, stdout=stdout) with tbot.log_event.command(, command) as ev: ret, out = channel.raw_command_with_retval( command, stream=ev, timeout=timeout )["stdout"] = out return ret, out
[docs] def exec0( self: Self, *args: typing.Union[str, special.Special[Self], linux.Path[Self]], stdout: typing.Optional[linux.Path[Self]] = None, timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None, ) -> str: """ Run a command on this machine and ensure it succeeds. :param args: Each arg is a token that will be sent to the shell. Can be either a str, a :class:`~linux.special.Special` or a Path that is associated with this host. Arguments will be escaped (a str like "a b" will not result in separate arguments to the command) :param Path stdout: File where stdout should be directed to :returns: A string containing the combined stdout and stderr of the command (with a trailing newline). :rtype: str """ ret, out = self.exec(*args, stdout=stdout, timeout=timeout) if ret != 0: raise machine.CommandFailedException(self, self.build_command(*args), out) return out
[docs] def test( self: Self, *args: typing.Union[str, special.Special[Self], linux.Path[Self]], stdout: typing.Optional[linux.Path[Self]] = None, timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None, ) -> bool: """ Run a command and test if it succeeds. :param args: Each arg is a token that will be sent to the shell. Can be either a str, a :class:`~linux.special.Special` or a Path that is associated with this host. Arguments will be escaped (a str like "a b" will not result in separate arguments to the command) :param Path stdout: File where stdout should be directed to :returns: ``True`` if the return code is 0, else ``False``. :rtype: bool """ ret, _ = self.exec(*args, stdout=stdout, timeout=timeout) return ret == 0
[docs] def env( self: Self, var: str, value: typing.Union[str, special.Special[Self], linux.Path[Self], None] = None, ) -> str: """ Get or set the value of an environment variable. :param str var: The variable's name :param str value: The value the var should be set to. If this parameter is given, ``env`` will set, else it will just read a variable :rtype: str :returns: Value of the environment variable .. versionadded:: 0.6.2 .. versionchanged:: 0.6.5 You can use ``env()`` to set environment variables as well. """ if value is not None: self.exec0("export", linux.F("{}={}", var, value)) return self.exec0("printf", "%s", linux.Raw(f'"${{{var}}}"'))
[docs] def interactive(self) -> None: """Drop into an interactive session on this machine.""" channel = self._obtain_channel() # Generate the endstring instead of having it as a constant # so opening this files won't trigger an exit endstr = ( "INTERACTIVE-END-" + hex(165_380_656_580_165_943_945_649_390_069_628_824_191)[2:] ) size = shutil.get_terminal_size() cmd = if cmd is not None: channel.raw_command(cmd) channel.raw_command(f"stty cols {size.columns}; stty rows {size.lines}") shell_cmd = self.build_command(* channel.send(f"{shell_cmd}\n") cmd = if cmd is not None: channel.send(f"{cmd}\n") channel.send( + "\n") channel.read_until_prompt(endstr) channel.send(f"{shell_cmd}\n") cmd = f"\\[\\033[36m\\]{}: \\[\\033[32m\\]\\w\\[\\033[0m\\]> " ) channel.send(f"{cmd}\n") channel.read_until_prompt("> (\x1B\\[.*)?", regex=True) channel.send("\n") tbot.log.message("Entering interactive shell ...") channel.attach_interactive(end_magic=endstr) tbot.log.message("Exiting interactive shell ...") try: channel.raw_command("exit\n", timeout=0.5) except TimeoutError: raise RuntimeError("Failed to reacquire shell after interactive session!") cmd = if cmd is not None: channel.raw_command(cmd)
[docs] def subshell( self: Self, *args: typing.Union[str, special.Special[Self], linux.Path[Self]], shell: typing.Optional[typing.Type[sh.Shell]] = None, ) -> "_SubshellContext": """ Start a subshell for isolating environment changes. If no arguments are supplied, the shell defined for this machine is used. If arguments are given, they are expected to open a shell of type ``shell`` which defaults to the shell specified for this machine. **Example**:: with tbot.acquire_lab() as lh: lh.exec0("echo", linux.Env("FOOVAR")) # Empty result with lh.subshell(): lh.env("FOOVAR", "123") lh.exec0("echo", linux.Env("FOOVAR")) # 123 lh.exec0("echo", linux.Env("FOOVAR")) # Empty result :param Shell shell: Shell that is started .. versionadded:: 0.6.1 """ shell = shell or if args == (): args = tuple(shell.command) return _SubshellContext(self, shell, self.build_command(*args))
class _SubshellContext(typing.ContextManager): __slots__ = ("ch", "sh") def __init__(self, h: LinuxMachine, shell: typing.Type[sh.Shell], cmd: str) -> None: self.h = h = h._obtain_channel() = shell self.cmd = cmd def __enter__(self) -> None: tbot.log_event.command(, self.cmd)"{self.cmd}\n") def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None: # type: ignore"exit\n")