Source code for tbot.machine.board.uboot

# tbot, Embedded Automation Tool
# Copyright (C) 2018  Harald Seiler
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import typing
import shlex
import tbot
from tbot import machine
from tbot.machine import board, channel, linux
from . import special

B = typing.TypeVar("B", bound=board.Board)

[docs]class UBootMachine(board.BoardMachine[B], machine.InteractiveMachine): r""" Generic U-Boot board machine. **Example implementation**:: from tbot.machine import board class MyBoard(board.Board): ... class MyBoardUBoot(board.UBootMachine[MyBoard]): prompt = "=> " BOARD = MyBoard UBOOT = MyBoardUBoot :ivar str bootlog: Messages that were printed out during startup. You can access this attribute inside your testcases to get info about what was going on during boot. .. versionadded:: 0.6.2 """ autoboot_prompt: typing.Optional[str] = r"Hit any key to stop autoboot:\s+\d+\s+" """ Regular expression of the autoboot prompt. Set this to ``None`` if autoboot is disabled for this board. """ autoboot_keys = "\n" """ Keys that should be sent to intercept autoboot """ prompt = "U-Boot> " """ U-Prompt that was configured when building U-Boot """ @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of this U-Boot machine.""" return + "-uboot" def __init__(self, board: B) -> None: # noqa: D107 super().__init__(board) channel.Channel if is not None: = else: raise RuntimeError("{board!r} does not support a serial connection!") with tbot.log.EventIO( ["board", "uboot",], tbot.log.c("UBOOT").bold + f" ({})", verbosity=tbot.log.Verbosity.QUIET, ) as boot_ev: boot_ev.verbosity = tbot.log.Verbosity.STDOUT boot_ev.prefix = " <> " if self.autoboot_prompt is not None: self.bootlog = self.autoboot_prompt, regex=True, stream=boot_ev ) else: self.bootlog = self.prompt, stream=boot_ev )["output"] = self.bootlog
[docs] def destroy(self) -> None: """Destroy this U-Boot machine."""
[docs] def build_command( self, *args: typing.Union[str, special.Special, linux.Path[linux.LabHost]] ) -> str: """ Return the string representation of a command. :param args: Each argument can either be a :class:`str` or a special token like :class:`~tbot.machine.board.Env`. :rtype: str """ command = "" for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, linux.Path): arg = arg.relative_to("/tftpboot")._local_str() if isinstance(arg, special.Special): command += arg.resolve_string() + " " else: command += f"{shlex.quote(arg)} " return command[:-1]
[docs] def exec( self, *args: typing.Union[str, special.Special, linux.Path[linux.LabHost]] ) -> typing.Tuple[int, str]: """ Run a command in U-Boot and check its return value. :param args: Each argument can either be a :class:`str` or a special token like :class:`~tbot.machine.board.Env`. :rtype: tuple[int, str] :returns: A tuple with the return code and output of the command """ command = self.build_command(*args) with tbot.log_event.command(, command) as ev: ev.prefix = " >> " ret, out = command, prompt=self.prompt, stream=ev )["stdout"] = out return ret, out
[docs] def exec0( self, *args: typing.Union[str, special.Special, linux.Path[linux.LabHost]] ) -> str: """ Run a command in U-Boot and ensure its return value is zero. :param args: Each argument can either be a :class:`str` or a special token like :class:`~tbot.machine.board.Env`. :rtype: str :returns: The output of the command """ ret, out = self.exec(*args) if ret != 0: raise tbot.machine.CommandFailedException( self, self.build_command(*args), out ) return out
[docs] def test( self, *args: typing.Union[str, special.Special, linux.Path[linux.LabHost]] ) -> bool: """ Run a command and test if it succeeds. :param args: Each argument can either be a :class:`str` or a special token like :class:`~tbot.machine.board.Env`. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` if the return code is 0, else ``False``. """ ret, _ = self.exec(*args) return ret == 0
[docs] def env( self, var: str, value: typing.Union[str, special.Special, None] = None ) -> str: """ Get or set the value of an environment variable. :param str var: The variable's name :param str value: The value the var should be set to. If this parameter is given, ``env`` will set, else it will just read a variable :rtype: str :returns: Value of the environment variable .. versionadded:: 0.6.2 .. versionchanged:: 0.6.5 You can use ``env()`` to set environment variables as well. .. versionchanged:: 0.6.6 The value can now be any :mod:`tbot.machine.board.special` """ if value is not None: self.exec0("setenv", var, value) return self.build_command(value) else: return self.exec0("echo", special.Raw(f"${{{var}}}"))[:-1]
[docs] def interactive(self) -> None: """ Drop into an interactive U-Boot session. :raises RuntimeError: If tbot was not able to reacquire the shell after the session is over. """ tbot.log.message("Entering interactive shell (CTRL+D to exit) ...")" \n")" \n") try:, timeout=0.5) except TimeoutError: raise RuntimeError("Failed to reacquire U-Boot after interactive session!") tbot.log.message("Exiting interactive shell ...")